I finally did another page. Woo hoo!
It’s been exactly a year since you came into our lives. On June 29, 2007 a home pregnancy test let us know that you were headed our way. I wasn’t expecting to get pregnant. It was a big surprise...but it’s been a happy accident so far.
You are as happy as they come. You love to be held and cuddled but you are usually content no matter where you are. You sleep peacefully in your swing or basinette for hours. You don’t usually make a fuss without good reason. When you are awake, you are irresistible. I love the way your face lights up when you see me. You have a delightful laugh. You are truly a bundle of joy.
Background: LHowell_Botanicals_Blue
Font: Verdana, Joyful Juliana
I really like the pages you've done! I'm on the verge of switching completely to digital scrapping, but still have some prints I want to get done the traditional way first. I have been getting my feet wet with the calendar I give to my family for Christmas and it has been fun! I'd upload it to show off, but must wait until after Christmas of course. :(
Thank you for your kind words. I like my newer pages but not so crazy about my first attempts. But that's the great thing about digital scrapbooking - I don't have to print them if I decide I don't like them after all. Anyway, it's been a good learning experience. I'm looking forward to seeing your stuff!
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