Saturday, November 17, 2007

Okay, I think this new page looks much better next to the Kiersten page...even if it's still not exactly a two-page spread.

Drum Page
Fonts: Title is LDJ Rock It font (my little joke); journaling is Century Gothic
Background: Papers are all from Kellie Mize's freebie kit for the Ad Challenge 11/11/07
Layout scraplifted from Bree at ScrapMaps. (I went back today to take a better look around. Definitely a great site!)

Kiersten Page (again)
Fonts: Title and background in photos is LD Letterpress; journaling is Century Gothic
Background: Red paper from Lisa Whitney's freebie Christmas collection; Brown paper from ComputerScrapbook (designed by Kristine Bents and Jessica Safty). It was part of their Romantic Rose pack but I'm not sure which one because I bought both packs. But this background is called Deep Violet. (I added the red tones to it.)
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