Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Great American Scrapbook Convention is coming!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Some poking around on the web, looking at various sites, has lead me to inspiration. Apparently Cathy Zielske (I know, I know, I'm always talking about Cathy Zielske) taught a class at CKU and then at Big Picture Scrapbooking based on the book Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. If anyone out there actually pays attention to this blog, you may recall that I posted a review of that book a while back. The book was inspiring in and of itself but this class sounds freakin' awesome.

From what I gather, attendees wrote two to three things about themselves, or things they liked, for each letter of the alphabet. Then they wrote narratives for each item and tried to find an image to go along with it. Finally they made a page for each letter of the alphabet. (Someone named Jackie put a link to one of her pages on a forum at DST.)

I found an article in the Salt Lake City Examiner which leads me to believe that Cathy may teach another similar class in the future, which I hope is true. That would be great! But in the meantime, I totally intend to do this exercise!

Font Junkie

I've become a bit of a font junkie. Thank you Cathy Zielske for that. But the good thing is that I'm starting to be a little more discriminating about the fonts I download. Lately I've been on a quest for thick but simple fonts to use for titles. I love the mix of a thick and thin when making a title.

I've updated my sidebar a little and organized it into sections. There are several font sites listed in the Freebie section. Enjoy!