Okay, I just uploaded a ton of pages - and even tried to organize them for you.
It's amazing how few pages I have good feelings about when you consider that I was flipping through the 11 albums that I've worked on (not to mention I have pictures of the pages for the 12x12 album that I gave to my inlaws). And most of those albums are pretty fat! In addition to the 12 12x12 albums (which is quite appropriate...maybe I should stop), I've also done several 7x7 albums. That's a lot of pages! Too bad so few of them meet my approval. :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This is one of the best ideas I ever stole (from Dwight's cousin, Starla). I did this several times in my wedding album and I took pictures of all of them. I did it one other time with 3 square windows but I'm not so crazy about that page. Anyway, I think the pictures make it fairly obvious. You cut a hole in the middle page and then you can see pictures on the pages behind it. It's pretty cool. People are always very impressed by it.

Okay, on this one there's a window above the circle that says "Group Shots" so that you see it on two pages (and the picture of Ted and I is on two pages).

I thought it was kind of cool to have the title running across the two pages (it was actually an accident because I thought it would fit but then I liked it better when it didn't).

Okay, I just think this page is cool because I like the little flowers that I drew. Oh...that reminds me of another page that I should have included.

I think "Baby Blues" has a lot of potential for a title. (I drew the little bees myself. I think they were supposed to be like the bees on Sam's lapels...if that's indeed what he has on his lapels.)

I'm uploading this one because I think it's a novel idea. I used a bandaid for my title (a real bandaid). Probably not so good for the photos but since these are just prints from digital anyway, I wasn't too worried about it. There's another photo below so that you can see the bandaid better.

Okay, I do like this one. I did it when I was scrapping with my Brooke down in Richmond. Anyway, if you click on it to see it in a larger format, you'll see that the ants walk through the letters. I think it's a cute idea. (Totally stolen, of course.) Of course I think I could have done a much better job but whatever. I'm never satisfied. :)

Another one (I'm always trying to use up my letters - I'm so cheap!)
[added on 10/26/07: I think it'd be cool to have the "other" color spelling a word...a word within words. :)]
[added on 10/26/07: I think it'd be cool to have the "other" color spelling a word...a word within words. :)]

For when you have lots of scenery pictures...
Okay, this I think is cool. It's 5 pictures that I took with my SLR camera in an attempt at a panorama. And then I just put them next to each other on the page. I thought it turned out kinda cool. I think it would have looked better if the pictures were more haphazard but of course I wasn't thinking about that when I took the pictures.

In my honeymoon scrapbook I had lots of pictures that I liked and didn't want to crop so I thought this was one way to deal with that "problem". Just load up the pages with pictures!

Okay, here's a couple of pages with things I've scanned for my scrapbook. I like the way it looks. I especially like the ski passes and the favors from my bridal shower. Anyway, I thought it was an idea worth sharing.
Enlisting Family Members...
This one gets uploaded for the same reason as the one below. I had Mom and Dad both journal the page on the left for me. So Dad filled up half the page with his memories and then Mom filled up the other half.

Here's another one that I'm uploading for merit of the idea, not the layout. I had my grandmother fill up a journal box for me. I wanted to make sure that I had her handwriting preserved somewhere.

I had my mom do a couple of pages. I thought that was a good way to make sure I had her handwriting preserved.

Random Page Ideas
I'm including this not becaus I necessarily like the layout but I think it's a great idea - which I totally stole from somewhere else (Christy Robinson, I believe.). Basically you just take all the pictures that you get over the holidays and then you make a page(s) out of them.

I think this could be a really idea although I didn't implement it very well. It would have been better if I would have just left it as ornaments hanging from the tree branch. Oh well.

This layout was actually a bit of a pain to do but I've always liked it. It's one of the few layouts that I actually like from my first scrapbook.

Here's another sideways page. I should have gotten more of the page on the right in the picture because that's kind of a funny one. I had my brother Jonny do a page and he lined up three pictures all nice and neatly on the left side of the page and then had a little text in the top right corner. It's pricelesss!

another think that i've done a fair bit is to put an 8 1/2 x 11 page in a 12 x 12 album so it's like you're doing a 4 page spread instead of a 2 page spread. Make sense?

This isn't necessarily such a great layout but I think it's a fun idea. I didn't keep it up with my second or third pregnancies. I just have a few random photos here and there (which is a little ironic since it's probably the girls who might be the most interested someday when they have their own pregnant bellies to compare mine to).

I kept the replies to the evite for our wedding picnic. I'm glad I did because it's kind of cool to flip through and read what people said. (they're spread out across a couple of pages.)

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